Jorge Caldera has remained behind the scenes as Sotol has seen a rise in availability and prominence in the agave market. (although Sotol itself is not agave). Yet, his continued efforts in the market, previously with Clande Sotol, and now with astonishing spirits of Sotol Parejo, have largely gone unnoticed….until now. Jorge was born and raised in Chihuahua. His love and dedication to his state drove his curiosity to explore the world of Sotol and Lechuguilla. After a decision to leave finance, in favor of starting his own projects with his own partners, Jorge ventured into the world of Sotol. We chat failed rock star dreams, pivotal life moments, the…
Ep 361 – Luis Loya: A True Treasure Hunter
Luis Loya grew up on cattle ranch in Chihuahua Mexico. His rebellious nature, and gift for drawing transformed into an insatiable need to explore later in life. He is the purveyor of some of the finest distillates in the world, and more specifically Mexico, with his brand La Mata Spirits. With beautiful spirits from Durango, Oaxaca, Nuevo León, and more, Luis illuminates the undiscovered processes found in more distant areas of Mexico. The rare and coveted bottles contain some the most unique and compelling spirits found anywhere in the world. We talk about architecture, skateboarding, passion, and more.
Ep 356 – Nino Gandulla: The Eye of the Tiger
Ninotchka Gandula, or as she’s fondly known, Nino, is the national brand ambassador for Ojo de Tiger. The beautiful mezcal that mixes production from both Oaxaca and Puebla is yet another creation from the innovative team at Casa Lumbre. Nino grew up in Puerto Rico and remains one of the most respected voices in hospitality as she carries her Boricua love of others. She continues to earn and evolve as a leader and brand ambassador. As the rise of N/A spirits continues, Almave, the blue agave alternative, will bring new conversations and opportunities as Nino’s role expands. We talk about travel, boundaries, and calling it an early night.
Ep 354 – Dalton Kreiss: There’s No I In Mezcal
Dalton Kreiss is an athletic, solitary, and driven midwestern guy. He’s always pursued ideas for businesses and ways to add value to those around him. After studies abroad, a new sense of entrepreneurship was born. However, in which direction and for whom remained a question. Years later, the subscription service Maguey Melate was founded. Just before a behemoth of a mezcal tasting, we sit down and chat about Michael Jordan, being new to Mexico, teamwork and more.