Tyler Jay Wang is a personable, likable, and massive personality in the Agave industry. His years behind the bar transitioned into one of the best roles in Tequila, brand ambassador for El Tesoro. His rich experience in acting, theater, and arts bring a unique experience to the way in which he recants tales of the Camarena legacy. We sit down and chat after a year of not doing any interviews in person. We are back to a new beginning. We chat social media, superman complex, family, and of course El Tesoro.
Ep 292 – Charlie Moore: It All Works Out in the End
Dalla’s Charlie Moore has worked in many different areas of the hospitality industry, but like many others, whiskey became his true calling. With early days in Iowa and a bit of troublemaking intermixed, Charlie shuffled jobs for a bit before finally falling in love with hospitality. His love of people, learning, and structure combined perfectly to provide a larger sense of purpose. And as Dallas’ cocktail scene started to thrive, Charlie found larger and more creative opportunities. Now, as the a leading whiskey ambassador in Texas, what challenges and struggles are in store? We chat Glendronach, fatherhood, trouble, and more.
Ep 254 – Amy Florez: Diverse Tastes Across Diverse Places
Dalla’s Amy Flores started down the straight and accepted path of college and a “real” job. For some this is a fine and regular endeavor, but as Amy’s mind grew more creative and sought out more diverse experiences, a desk job just wasn’t enough. Enter Hospitality stage left, and then a connection between people, spirits, and stories enrich Amy’s life forever. After years behind the bar, time in distribution, and now as an educational liaison for Collectif 1806, Amy shares some of the finest Remy Cointreau products to the masses while conducting roundtable chats about insights with industry legends. We chat Bon Iver, Cognac, community college, and more.