Jorge Caldera has remained behind the scenes as Sotol has seen a rise in availability and prominence in the agave market. (although Sotol itself is not agave). Yet, his continued efforts in the market, previously with Clande Sotol, and now with astonishing spirits of Sotol Parejo, have largely gone unnoticed….until now. Jorge was born and raised in Chihuahua. His love and dedication to his state drove his curiosity to explore the world of Sotol and Lechuguilla. After a decision to leave finance, in favor of starting his own projects with his own partners, Jorge ventured into the world of Sotol. We chat failed rock star dreams, pivotal life moments, the…
Ep 359 – Blair Ault: Full of Teachable Moments
Teacher, educator, whiskey ambassador, podcaster, and more… It makes one wonder what Milam and Greene’s Blair Ault does NOT do. Houston’s Blair Ault is a renaissance woman. She writes, teaches, hosts, and travels the United States extolling the virtues of Texas’ Milam and Greene whiskey. Blair is an erudite Star Trek fan that encourages creativity in others. With a massive lust for life, and passion for whiskey, what motivates Blair to keep expanding her knowledge? The answer is: a whole lot. We chat loud noises, audio challenges, writing from the heart, and more.
Ep 350 – Stephen Carrona: Decadence In Art
Houston native Stephen Caronna has worked in every conceivable role in the hospitality industry. A king of content and service, his career trajectory has led him to a gig of a lifetime as Texas market manager for Compass Box whisky. The exploratory and supremely cerebral whisky brand pairs the best of art and flavor in each bottling. There is a catch though, sometimes the perfect marriage of whiskies is only as accessible as a few hundred cases. Stephen never faces a closed door with Compass Box whisky in hand, but how do you have those intricate conversations about blending and scarcity, simply? It takes Stephen’s creativity and kindness to start.…
Ep 330 – Kate Perry: Travel the World, and the 7 Seas
Kate Perry landed her dream job with La Maison & Velier after years of travel, years of pouring rum, and years of simply exploring the world. To many she is known as the Queen of Rum, but regardless of the moniker, she is certainly one of the foremost experts of Rum production around the world. But what has lined this serpentine road to rum? We chat about spontaneity, internalizing, and Hampden Estate.