As our previous lives trickle into the new reality post shut-down, what have we learned? Robert Björn Taylor is taking his learnings in stride. As one of the most formidable forces in Texas cocktails, his background as a creative gives him boundless tools. But what happens when life moves too quickly, and the vices around us push us into a darker place? For some it leads to self destructive art, and for others like Björn, it leads to a chapter of sobriety and freedom. We chat Hitchcock, BLM, emo music, and more…..
Ep 311 – Juan Coronado: Moving and Shaking All the Way to Jalisco
Juan Coronado has an exceptional resume of pursuits from behind and beyond the bar. With travels all the over world imparting creative cocktail expertise, and sharing that certain something over 25 years in the hospitality industry can provide, one could call Juan “accomplished”. But as it happens with truly brilliant people, there is always a new frontier. Juan’s creation Mijenta Tequila combines his years of spirits expertise with his love of Mexico. We chat DJ’ing, daq’s, history, and more.
Ep 302 – Cesar Sandoval: A Whole Elote Love
Casa Lumbre’s Cesar Sandoval has achieved a lot in a little time because of one key personality characteristic: transparency. Ask him whatever, he’s an open book of knowledge, compassion, and drum fills. His latest chapter with Abasolo Mexican Whiskey and Nixta Licor de Elote bring him into the fields of corn running throughout Mexico. With a little bit of shaking and a little bit of stirring, corn can change everything. We chat microphones, self reflection, and Cacahuazintle.
Ep 300 – Jorge Gaviria: From the Land to the Lips
Jorge Gaviria has devoted years to understanding the culture, the people, and the logistics around corn production. The resulting project, Masienda, is now the industry leader in providing quality masa, heirloom corn, and tortilla cooking accessories. The journey to this amazing project is steeped in deep analysis, introspection, and travel. What started as a moment of translation, turned into a massive corn movement. We chat mezcal, NYU, civil unrest, and how we learn.