Teacher, educator, whiskey ambassador, podcaster, and more… It makes one wonder what Milam and Greene’s Blair Ault does NOT do. Houston’s Blair Ault is a renaissance woman. She writes, teaches, hosts, and travels the United States extolling the virtues of Texas’ Milam and Greene whiskey. Blair is an erudite Star Trek fan that encourages creativity in others. With a massive lust for life, and passion for whiskey, what motivates Blair to keep expanding her knowledge? The answer is: a whole lot. We chat loud noises, audio challenges, writing from the heart, and more.
Ep 340 – Rachael Bloom Soto: On The First Try
Rachael Bloom Soto was destined to be in the hospitality industry. With a blend of food and nurturing, quite literally in her blood, she was destined to care. When a calculated move to Texas, for a different reason than you might think, ended up with her behind the bar at Rosewater She naturally transitioned into the brand role at Maker’s Mark because after all, it was the only job she applied for. We chat Maker’s blending components (as told through horror movies), motherhood, and robots.
Ep 295 – Adam Harris: Fireside Chat #2
The world of whiskey wages on even despite the world seemingly being at a halt. In this week’s chat, I sit down with one of the world’s favorite whiskey men, Adam Harris. As he sits and sips some Booker’s 25th Anniversary Bourbon in Houston, we ponder life, film, and what we can do to think about one’s self in these times. We chat QT, Brad Pitt, Squirrels, and more.
Ep 249 – Al Young: Been Around the Bourbon Block
The legendary Al Young has shared the beauty of Four Roses Bourbon for over 50 years. He’s traveled the world, seen consumer tastes change, and now still stands at the forefront of Bourbon discussion as it returns to favor. Starting as a man of the stage, Al fully intended on studying drama, but love and commitment drove him to find a 9-5 day job. Starting with Seagrams in 1964, the impressive journey took foot. We chat actors, dedication, a fulfilling marriage, and good Bourbon tales.